
Rank Management

Here, you can easily manage all ranked reviews that pinned on the top or bottom. Reviews can be ranked by pinning them on the top or bottom. If you’re not familiar with “Pinning reviews”, please refer to this.

Ranked Reviews List

You can view pinned reviews from this list, and search by pinned location and fixed critetia.

Entire Reviews

You can view the reviews pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display entire reviews without distinguishing reviews’ product information.

Specific Products

You can view the reviews pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display particular product’s reviews.

Specific Labels

You can view the reviews pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display the reviews labeled with particular label.

Edit Ranking

You can adjust the ranking of the reviews by drag & drop the pinned reviews.
Top-pinned Reviews
: Reviews located at the top have a high ranking
Bottom-pinned reviews