
Review Moderation - All Reviews


Review List

You can see the brief review information and some of the actions you can make on the review from the review list.
It shows the reviewed product, reviewer's name, reviewed time and date, and review's contents.
The actions you can make on the review are to publish/hide it, pin it on the top or bottom, label it, and reward it.

Review Details

Through Review Details, you can check the detailed information of a review such as customer, reward, order information. Moreover, you can make some actions through the Review Details. You can find out more about the review by clicking on the review you want to check in the review list.

Review Contents

The "Review Contents" enables you to check the title of the review, the full text of the review, photo reviews, video reviews, creation times, and ratings.

Customer Information

The “Customer Information” includes the detailed information of the reviewer; Customer name, email address, phone number, country, and last purchased date.
Customer information not retrieved from Shopify cannot be displayed.

Reward Information

Through “Rewards Information”, you can see the reasons for limiting rewards if it's a reward-restricted review. Moreover, you can view all records of reward payments and recoupments.

Review Information

The “Review Information” includes the detailed information about the review;
Source: Source of review creation, which can be Email, SMS, Web Push or Re-visit banner
Platform: Platforms where reviews are written, which can be Shopify, Aliexpress, etc
Number of views: Number of a review viewed from other customers
Number of helps: Number of the other customers have been helped
Review Logs: Records of reviews written and modified

Order Information

The “Order Information” provides you with some detailed information about the reviewer’s order.
Order Status
Order Number
Product Amount: The amount of the reviewed prodcut
Order Amount: Total amount of orders containing the reviewed product
Total Price: Actual payment amount (Including coupon use, etc.) for the order containing the reviewed product

Other Reviews

You can view other reviews written by the author of the review you are viewing. It shows up to 10 reviews in the latest order.

Actions on Reviews


You can choose whether or not to publish the review on a widget. If you publish or unpublish a review, it will be applied in the widget immediately.

Pin on the Top/Bottom

You can pin a review on the top or bottom. Pinned reviews will be fixed at the top or bottom of all reviews on the widget, even if a customer changes the sort order.

Where to pin?

You can use widgets to display a particular product’s review, entire reviews, or reviews labeled with a specific label. Therefore, you can choose where to pin a review among these.
Pin on the top/bottom of the product reviews
: Review will be pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display particular product's reviews.
Pin on the top/bottom of the entire reviews
: Review will be pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display entire reviews without distinguishing reviews’ product information.
Pin on the top/bottom of the labeled reviews
: Review will be pinned on the top/bottom at the widgets that display labeled reviews of a particular label.


What is “Label”?

“Label” is AlphaReview’s Exclusive Feature which you can use when you only want to display selected reviews on the specific widget. You need to create a label first and label it on the review you want to show. Learn how to create a label here.

Choose a label

Choose a label to label the review. A review can be labeled with multiple labels regardless of the type of labels.
Product Label: Reviews labeled with a product label will be displayed on the connected widget within each product page, distinguishing their product information.
Common Label: Reviews labeled with a common label will be displayed on the connected widgets without distinguishing their product information.
Learn more about labels here.


You can send, cancel, skip, edit or deactivate a reward, which can also be called a “Coupon” here.
Check the table below for the status displayed on the button and the actions you can take for each status.
Actions you can take
No coupon
This status means that there are no coupons available due to Reward Restriction Policies.
· Send a coupon
Waiting for a coupon
This status means a store owner or manager must give a coupon manually due to the Moderation Settings.
· Send a coupon · Edit Value · Skip a Coupon
Auto-send in 3 days
This status means that the coupon will be automatically sent in 3 days, depending on the Moderation Settings.
· Send immediately · Edit Value · Skip a Coupon
Sending a Coupon
This status means the actual coupon payment process is in progress. A grace period of 15 to 30 minutes is provided before the coupon payment is made so you can cancel sending.
· Cancel Sending · Send Additional Coupon
Coupon Sent
This status means that the process of coupon payment is all done.
· Deactivate coupon · Send Additional Coupon
Deactivating Coupon
This status means that deactivating a coupon is in progress after you or the system has decided to deactivate it.
· Cancel Deactivating · Send Additional Coupon
Coupon Deactivated
This status means that the process of deactivating the coupon is all done.
· Send Additional Coupon

Edit a Review

You can edit ratings, titles, contents, photo files, and video files of reviews. However, editing a customer’s review may cause a legal issue. So be careful using it unless the customer includes some sensitive information in the review.

Archive a Review

You can move the reviews to Archive and view them through the Archived Review tab.
Archived reviews do not appear in the widget as soon as they are archived.
Archived reviews immediately be unpinned and unlabeled as soon as they are archived.

Move/Copy Reviews

Move a Review

You can move a review to another product. When a review is moved, it will be displayed in the widget of the moved product.

Copy a Review

You can copy a review to other products. Copied reviews will be displayed both in original product and the copied products.


You can leave multiple replies to a review and check the history of the replies made by other customers or the store owner in that review.
You can delete the other customer’s comment, but you cannot edit it.
You can edit or delete the reply written by the other store manager.
You can use the variables and emojis when you write a reply.
Variables for Reply

Reply with Templates

For your convenience, we provide you the feature to reply with a template you created.
If you haven’t made any templates yet, check the Reply Template guide here.


Managers can write a memo in review and comment on other managers' memos. When you need to communicate with other managers regarding reviews, it is good to use.

Actions in Bulk

For your convenience, we offer the feature to moderate multiple reviews at once. You can make the actions below in bulk.
Move/Copy a Review
Clear the check-needed reviews

Review Export

With this feature, you can download the reviews in the store as a CSV file.
Export entire reviews: All reviews in the store will be downloaded
Export selected reviews: Only selected reviews will be downloaded
Information below can be exported.
Review Title
Review Contents
Reviewer Name
Reviewer Email Address
Review Date
Likes (Helps)
Product ID
Product Handle
Comment (Reply) Contents
Image URL of photo review
Video URL of video review
When the export process is complete, the review data file will be sent to the email address you entered. You can also download the file through File Archive.

Sortings and Filters


You can search and view reviews by a variety of criteria.
You can search by
Review Contents
Customer Name
Customer Email
Customer Phone Number
Order Number


Each filter applies or logic to each other, and the properties of the filter applies and logic to each other. You can choose multiple properties of multiple filters at once.
Check the filters and properties of each filter below.
Filter by ratings
Filter by review types
Filter by platforms
Filter by sources
Filter by reviewer types
Filter by publishing status
Filter by reward provision status
Filter by order status
Filter by verification
Filter by Reply
Filter by pin
Filter by labels

Smart Filter

Smart filter is a group of frequently used filters. You can filter reviews more quickly and easily with this feature.
Check the filters of Smart Filter below.
High Rated
Average Rated
Low Rated
Review with Photo
Review with Video
Verified Reviews
Imported Reviews

Check-needed Reviews

You can filter reviews that require your moderation, such as reviews that require manual rewarding.
Waiting for rewards
Wating to be published
Reward limited
Keyword notification

Sort by

You can sort your reviews so that reviews are displayed based on the sort order you chose.
high rated
low rated
most liked
number of photo review
length of text