
General Policies

On “General Policies,” you can set criteria to limit reviewing or rewards based on order status, delivery status, etc. Implementing these policies can improve review quality and discourage subpar write-ups. When set up, we will apply them to subsequent orders.

Basic Policies

Set basic protocol applicable to all general policies.

Product price

Choose the standard of the product price, which will be applied to every policy in general.
Price: Selling price of the product.
Compare at Price: The product’s original price shows up on a product’s listing when its on sale.

Order Amount

There are many policies related to customers’ total order amount, such as “We would NOT allow customers with total order amount under $50 to write reviews”.
Choose the standard of the total order amount which will be applied to every policy in general.
Before discount applied: The total order amount BEFORE applying the discount code will be the standard of the total order amount.
After discount applied: The total order amount AFTER using the discount code will be the standard of the total order amount.

Request a Review of Reward-Restricted Orders

Based on your policy settings, some customers might not be allowed to receive rewards even though they left reviews.
You can choose whether or not to send review requests in this case.
Send: A review request is sent to customers who are not allowed to receive rewards after writing a review.
Do not send: A review request will not be sent to customers who are not allowed to receive rewards after writing a review.

Shipping Status

Set policies to limit reviews or rewards based on order shipping status.

Delivery Status Allowed for Review

Based on the orders’ delivery status, set when to allow customers to write reviews.
From Delivered Status: From Delivered Status: Customers will be allowed to write reviews when their orders become “Delivered” status.
From Out for Delivery Status: Customers will be allowed to write reviews when their orders become “Out for Delivery” status.

Review Due Date After Delivered Status

You might want to limit customers who purchased products long ago from writing reviews. If you do, set a deadline for writing reviews based on the product delivered date.
No deadline: Customers can always write reviews no matter when the products are delivered.
Limit Reviews to __ days After Delivered Status: The customers cannot write reviews after a certain amount of time has passed since the delivered status.

Reward Due Date After Delivered Status

You might want to limit customers who purchased products long ago from receiving rewards for reviews. If you do, set a deadline for receiving rewards for reviews based on the product delivered date.
No deadline: Customers can always receive rewards for reviews no matter when the products are delivered.
Limit Reviews to __ days After Delivered Status: The customers cannot receive rewards for reviews after a certain amount of time has passed since the delivered status.
For both settings to work, the reward due date must be on or before the review due date.


Set conditions for writing reviews and receiving rewards based on whether the customers order.

Customer Conditions to Write a Review

You can set reviewable conditions of customers. For example, it can be limited if a customer without verified orders tries to write a review.
No limit: Anyone can write a review at your store, whether they have ordered or not.
Verified Buyer: Only verified buyers can write a review at your store.

Customer Conditions to Receive Rewards

You can set customer conditions to receive rewards. For example, a customer without a verified order may not be able to receive rewards even though they wrote a review based on the settings.
No limit: Anyone can receive rewards for reviews, whether they have ordered or not.
Verified Buyer: Only verified buyers can receive rewards for reviews.
Customers with orders added through manual requests are also considered “Verified Buyers” in AlphaReview.

Product and Order Status

Set criteria to limit reviews or rewards based on product and order status.

Products Out of Stock When Reviewing

You might not want your customers to write a review or receive rewards for reviewing a product that is unavailable in your store anymore. In this case, you can limit reviews or rewards if the product is out of stock at the time of writing a review with this policy.
No limitation: Customers can write a review even though the product is out of stock at the time of writing a review.
Review limitation: Customers are not allowed to review the product which is out of stock.
Rewards limitation: Customers are not allowed to receive rewards for reviewing a product that is out of stock.

Products Not Active When Reviewing

You might not want your customers to write a review or receive rewards for reviewing a product that is no longer active in your store. In this case, you can limit reviews or rewards if the product is not active while writing a review with this policy.
No limitation: Customers can write a review even though the product is not active when writing a review.
Review limitation: Customers are not allowed to review the product which is not active.
Rewards limitation: Customers are not allowed to receive rewards for reviewing a product that is not active.

Products Purchased Using Discount Code

You might not want your customers to write a review or receive rewards for reviewing a product that is purchased using discount code. In this case, you can limit reviews or rewards.
No limitation: Customers can write a review even though the product is purchased using discount code.
Review limitation: Customers are not allowed to review the product purchased using discount code.
Rewards limitation: Customers are not allowed to receive rewards for reviewing a product purchased using discount code.

Review Submission, Revision, and Deletion

Set criteria to limit reviews or rewards for submitting, revising, and deleting reviews.

Policies on Review Submission

To improve the quality of reviews, you can limit the rewards or submission of reviews based on the quality of reviews written by customers. Or, you can show an encouraging message to let them write a review with slightly higher quality.
To activate this policy, you need to tick the checkbox.
Text Review
For text review content under ___ characters, limit submission: This policy prevents customers from submitting a review if the content of the text review is less than a certain number of characters.
For text review content under ___ characters, display a warning and allow review: If you activate this policy, a customer will see an encouraging message which says, “To receive rewards, please write a text review with more than ___ characters,” but still can submit it.
For text review content under ___ characters, limit rewards: If you activate this policy, customers who submit text reviews that are less than a certain number of characters will not receive review rewards.
Photo Review
For photo reviews with less than ___ attached images, limit submission: This policy prevents customers from submitting a review if the number of attached images is less than a certain number.
For photo reviews with less than ___ attached images, display a warning and allow review: If you activate this policy, a customer will see an encouraging message which says, “To receive rewards, please attach more than ___ images,” but still can submit it.
For photo reviews with less than ___ attached images, limit rewards: If you activate this policy, customers who submit text reviews that are less than a certain number of images will not receive review rewards.
Video Review
For video reviews with a length under ___ seconds, limit submission: This policy prevents customers from submitting a review if the length of attached video review is less than a certain number of seconds.
For video reviews with a length under ___ seconds, display a warning and allow review: If you activate this policy, a customer will see an encouraging message which says, “To receive rewards, please attach a video longer than ___ seconds,” but still can submit it.
For video reviews with a length under ___ seconds, limit rewards: If you activate this policy, customers who submit video review that are less than a certain video length will not receive review rewards.

Review Revision Policy

You may not want your customers to edit their reviews after they receive rewards. In that case, you can set whether or not to allow customers to edit their reviews.
If you restrict the revision of reviews, there can be legal issues. Please check the related laws of your country or state before activating this feature.
Always allow: Customers can edit their reviews all the time no matter whether they received rewards or not.
Limit revision after rewards are provided: Customers can edit their reviews before they receive rewards. They cannot edit the reviews after they receive rewards.
Always limit: Customers cannot edit their reviews.

Review Deletion Policy

You may not want your customers to delete their reviews after they receive rewards. In that case, you can set whether or not to allow customers to delete their reviews.
If you restrict the deletion of reviews, there can be legal issues. Please check the related laws of your country or state before activating this feature.
Always allow: Customers can delete their reviews all the time no matter whether they received rewards or not.
Limit revision after rewards are provided: Customers can delete their reviews before they receive rewards. They cannot delete the reviews after they receive rewards.
Always limit: Customers cannot delete their reviews.

Reward Provision and Cancellation

Set criteria regarding provision and cancelation of rewards.

Minimum Purchase Requirements to Receive Rewards

You may not want the customers who purchased cheap products to not receive rewards for reviews. In this case, set the minimum purchase requirements to receive rewards.
No limit: Customers can always get rewards regardless of the amount of orders or products.
Discount Code can only be received when a product/order amount is over $___: Customers can get rewards only if the product or order amount is over a certain amount.
Discount Code can only be received when the number of purchased products is larger than ___: Customers can get rewards only if the number of purchased items is larger than a certain number.

Maximum Reward Value per Review

Since coupons are a vital resource, you may not want to waste too much on reviews. In this case, set the maximum reward value per review. You can save your resource with this feature.
No limit: Customers can get all the rewards they are supposed to get.
Maximum amount/percentage payable per review, including additional benefits: Customers can only get the rewards with the amount you set as the maximum reward value. It can be both a fixed amount and a percentage.

Deactivate the Discount Code in case of Order Refund

You may want to deactivate the discount code given to the customers who refund the order. In this case, use this feature so that you can save your essential resource.
Do not deactivate: The discount code will not be deactivated even though customers refund the order.
Deactivate the discount code in case of order refund: The discount code will be deactivated if customers refund the order.