
Moderation Settings

We provide the feature to save time by automatically publishing or rewarding all or some of your reviews without any action on your part.


With this feature, you don’t need to spend time moderating reviews, as the system does everything for you. You can set whether or not to use the auto-publish feature and requirements for auto-publishing.
Please remember that reviews unpublished due to moderation settings will be automatically published after 14 days of the moderation period. Click here to know more.

Auto-publish Settings

You can choose whether or not to use auto-publish feature.
If you choose NOT to use it, reviews will be published after you’re moderation.
If you choose to use it, reviews will be automatically published on your online store.
You can set customer reviews to be published as soon as reviews are submitted or 1/3/5/7 days after reviews are submitted.

Requirements for Auto-publishing

You can choose the exceptions to publish reviews manually, such as minimum ratings.
Reviews with ratings below 5/4/3/2 stars
Reviews with photo
Reviews with video
Social Reviews
Unverified Reviews


With this feature, rewarding customers will be more efficient. You can set whether or not to use the auto-reward feature and requirements for auto-rewarding.

Auto-reward Settings

You can choose whether or not to use auto-reward feature.
If you choose NOT to use it, reviews will be rewarded manually as your decision.
If you choose to use it, reviews will be automatically rewarded on your online store.
You can set customer reviews to be rewarded as soon as reviews are submitted or 1/3/5/7 days after reviews are submitted.

Requirements for Auto-rewarding

You can choose the exceptions to reward reviews manually, such as minimum ratings.
Reviews with ratings below 5/4/3/2 stars
Reviews with photo
Reviews with video
Social Reviews
Unverified Reviews

AlphaReview’s Moderation Practices

The Consumer Review Fairness Act (CRFA) protects people's ability to share their honest opinions about a business's products or services by prohibiting a company from restricting the consumer from reviewing their products or services. Moreover, it's important to show positive and negative reviews on your store to build more trust and loyalty.
Therefore, we've designed our auto-publish feature to help your business to comply with the law and keep it trustworthy. It is fair, yet maintains your control over the reviews as long as they must be left unpublished for legitimate reasons.
The system will automatically publish the reviews that are unpublished due to moderation settings after 14 days of the moderation period.
Therefore, we recommend you go through all the unpublished (rejected) reviews before it becomes published automatically.
When you unpublish reviews, you must choose legitimate reasons to unpublish them. The stated legitimate reason is required by the FTC. The FTC states that brands have the right to unpublish (reject) reviews that:
contains confidential or private information – for example, a person’s financial, medical, or personnel file information or a company’s trade secrets;
is libelous, harassing, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or is inappropriate with respect to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or other intrinsic characteristic;
is unrelated to the company’s products or services; or
is clearly false or misleading.
You can check out FTC’s guidance below.